How to Embed a YouTube video

1.) Locate the video on YouTube.  Note the full web address for YouTube in the web browser's address bar.

In this example the full address is ""

Note: YouTube will sometimes provide the address using one of their "short URL's" such as These short URLs will not function with the plugin. Make sure you have the full long address as shown above.

2.) Return to your Joomla control panel, enter the Article Manager, and open the article you wish to embed the video into.

4.) At the point where you want the video to load, paste the full address of the video and wrap it with the plugin tags like so:



Alternatively, you can shorten this further by simply inserting the video's ID code within the plugin tags, like so:




Note the presence of a forward-slash in the trailing plugin tag (e.g. "{/youtube}" ), and there should be no extra blank spaces.

5.) Save the article.

6.) Visit the public side of the site, refresh your browser, and verify that the video is loading.

Alternate YouTube Instructions

You can also simply wrap the Video ID with the plugin tags like so:

1.) Copy out the video's ID code. This is the combination of characters found after the "v=" in the address.

In this example the video code is "Ub-lZfxUyCU"

2.) Insert the plugin tags like this:



3.) Save the article and refresh the public page to verify the video loads.

General documentation is here:

Standard Movie Formats
By default videos are stored in the "videos" folder within the Media Manager.

{mp4}my-video{/mp4}  Loads "my-video.mp4" into the page.





Plugin Installation Notes

  • Install Plugin
  • Set default template to "Responsive"
  • Add the "videos" folder to the Media Manager
  • Set default width to 320px and height to 240px in order for video to fit in iPhone