NOTE: MailChimp web site provides additional details and information on setting up a campaign.

1.) Log into MailChimp

2.) Click on "Create Campaign" on the top right of the page.

3.) You will run a "Regular Campaign". Click "Select" for this option

4.) Send this broadcast to a particular group.

5.)  Pick the correct group. In this case, all subscribers in the "Blog Recipients" group.

6.) Click "Next" in the lower right hand corner

7.) Set up the blog by completing the following fields:

  • Name your campaign: The date and short description of the campaign
  • Email Subject: Your name and the title of the blog post (Example: "Joe Smith Blog: It's a beautiful day.")
  • From name: Do not change
  • From email address: Do not change

Do not change remaining settings

8.) Click "Next" in the lower right hand corner of page.

9.) Select the "Saved Templates" tab

10.) Select the "Blog Broadcast" template.

11.) Pick the main block to edit.

12.) Enter the title and first paragraph to the new blog.

13.) Click anywhere inside the "Read More" link

14.) Click on the "Link" icon in the tool bar.

15.) A pop-up will appear. Past in the full web address to the blog post on the web site, and click "Insert"

16.) Click "Save & Close" near the bottom.

17.) Click "Next" in the lower right of the web page.

18.) This page allows you to review all the settings for the campaign.

19.) Send a test email of the campaign to make sure all looks right. Click in the top right: "Preview and Test" -> "Send a Test Email"

20.) In lower right hand corner, click "Schedule"

21.) Set up release date and time.

22.) Click the "Schedule Campaign" button.

23.) DONE!