In situations where you need to re-organize the ordering of menu items manually.

1.) Go to the Menus->Main Menu

2.) Look in the far right, near the top. Have the page display ALL of the menu items

3.) Scroll down to the section of the menu where you want to re-organize.

4.) Mouse over the dotted vertical line on the left for a menu item of a person you wish to move. The cursor will change from a pointing-hand to a four-pointer cursor.

5.) Click and drag the menu item. It will turn into a green box.

Move it up or down to a spot and release the mouse button. The menu will refresh automatically.

Refresh the public view of the site and the menu will be updated.

Help! I cannot drag the menu items!

If you are not able to drag the menu item, you might need to activate that function. At the top of the list look for a small up-down icon. Click it to turn on the drag-and-drop feature.