There seems to be a lot of different opinions on how to generate a good, very strong password for your accounts and web site logins. This is my personal opinion only.

1.) Password should be no shorter than 12 characters long

2.) It must contain a combination of upper and lower case letters that do NOT make a word that appears in a dictionary

        Good example:  TyVvpWkizF

        Bad example:  wAshinGtoN

3.) Contain at least one number: 0-9

3.) Contain at least one special character:  ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = < / ? >

4.) Does not include any personally identifiable information such as your name, street address, phone numbers, family member names, etc.

5.) To help, turn the password into a phrase to remember it.

          Example: UUm$?6Fcd9h*3

          Pass phrase: USA USA music USD huh six FRUIT coffee drip nine hulu splat three

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