There instances on your web site where a form can be re-purposed for another page.  In these cases, the form itself doesn't change, but how it is processed and who receives the form results will change.

Here are the large parts to be done:

Part One: Duplicate the form

Part Two: Adjust the form's settings

Part Three: Publish the new form

Part One: Duplicate the form

1.) Log into the Joomla control panel and navigate to Components->RSForm! Pro->Manage Forms

2.) Select the form that will be re-purposed. In this example, we will re-purpose the "Handy Tax Guide Request Form". Click the check box to the left.

3.) At the top, click the "Duplicate" button

4.) The form is duplicated and placed at the bottom of the list. Click on the copied version to edit it.

Part Two: Adjusting Form Properties

1.) Notice you are in the Tab view "Form Fields." In this example, we are not changing the form fields or how it displays.

2.) Click on the "Form Properties" tab instead

3.) The display changes. Now you need to adjust the properties. On the left navigation, for this example, we are NOT adjusting the styling or appearance of the form.

4.) Under the "Form" subsection, click the "Form Info" button.

Note: You may also adjust the "Form Attributes" and "Meta Tags," but that is outside the scope of this demo.

5.) On the right side, change all the relevant fields to best reflect the new use of the form.

Change the "Form Title"

NOTE: The "Form Name" field should be adjusted to something easy to remember and in lower-case, hyphenated, and no spaces.
In this example: "2016-update-newsletter"  This is the form's name used internally in Joomla.

Write down the Form Name before continuing. This will be needed later.

6.) Review how the Submission of the form will be processed. In this example, a Thank You message will be displayed and a 'Continue' button.  Click the "Edit the Thank You Message" and "Preview" buttons to see how the web visitor will be thanked for completing the form.

By experimentation, you can force the form to behave differently depending on the nature of the form.

Also note, the web visitor will NOT receive a confirmation of completion of their form, in this example.

6.) Adjust how emails are delivered with the form results. In this example, only Admin Emails will be sent. Click on "Admin Emails"

The User Emails will not be sent because of the previous step taken.  However, you may turn on this feature if desired.
Additional Email are outside the scope of this discussion.

7.) Change how you, the administrator, will receive the email messages. In most cases, clicking the "Edit the Email Text" is all that is needed.

8.) Save and Close your work

9.) You will return to the form manager list.  Find the form and take note of the "Form Name" and the ID number.  In this example, it is "2016-update-nesletter" and "49."

Part Three: Publishing the New Form

1.) Find the article where you want to insert the new form.

2.) In the editor, in this example, we will insert the form using its ID number or its name, like so...

{rsform 49}

{rsform 2016-update-newsletter}

3.) Save the article

4.) Refresh your browser to test how the form loads and behave.

5.) Done.