Instructions on how to add a menu item (button) to the main menu system.
It is assumed that the appropriate category and article have already been created.
1.) Sign into the Administrator Control Panel for your installation of Joomla
2.) Select the Menus -> Main Menu (or select another menu if appropriate.)
3.) Select "Add New Menu Item"
4.) Give the new button a name.
5.) In most situations, you are linking a button to one article within the site. For the Menu Item Type, click the "Select" button.
6.) A pop-up appears, select "Articles" and pick "Single Article." This tells the system we linking the button to one article.
7.) Now we need to pick the article to link to. The "Select Article" field will appear. Click the "Select" button.
8.) A new pop-up appears. Use the search mechanism to find the article. In this case, we type 'peer' to filter the total possible available articles.
9.) The article is found. Click on the link to select it. The pop-up window closes.
10.) On the right side of the page, look for the Parent Item drop-down. You need to decide where the button will be located within the main navigation system.
11.) In this situation, the menu button will be nest under "Our Firm"
12.) Make the new button is published so the world can see it.
13.) Save the button
14.) Visit the public side of the web site and refresh your browser. The new menu item will be visible in the navigation.