In situations where you have a broken links after launching a new web site or changes to the site navigation structure (such as found in a Google search, etc), you can create a redirect to point the visitor's browser to the correct location.
If the "Redirects Plugin" is published, the system will gather up broken links and store them until you have a chance to fix them. Note, the plugin should be active for short periods of time to gather broken links. You will find the database quickly filling up with garbage links if the plugin is left running continuously. It is recommended to run this Plugin occasionally, but otherwise keep it inactive during normal day-to-day activities.
Creating Redirects for a Broken Links
1.) Go to Components > Redirects
2.) Review the list of redirects. The disabled URLs listed need a new redirect URL. We will fix the 'Driving Directions' web address. Click to open this record.
NOTE: the plugin will gather up any and all broken URLs that are attempted by humans and robots. Consequently, this list may contain a lot of false addresses (maybe attempted by a human by mistake) or robots attempting to break into the web site by "jiggling the door knob" technique. No need to attempt to fix these; this only makes the robots work harder at accessing the site. (Refer to the "Purging Disabled links" below.)
3.) Insert the correct address in the "New URL" field to redirect visitors by copy & pasting a URL from another browser window. Change the "Status" to 'Enabled". Provide a comment if desired (optional).
4.) Click "Save & Close"
5.) Using a different browser window, attempt the surf to the original broken web address to check that the redirect works.
6.) Done.
Purging Disabled Links
Click the "Purge Disabled" to globally clear out the disabled (Unpublished) links.
Create New Redirect
In some instances you might want to create a custom redirect for marketing purposes or to fix a known problem.
1.) Go to Components > Redirects
2.) Click "New"
3.) Complete the form with the broken or expired URL, and add the new correct URL.
4.) Click "Save & Close"
5.) Open a new web browser window and attempt to surf the expired broken web address. It should redirect your browser to the correct address.